Why is there art, what use is it, and should art be useful anyway? How can we talk both about the meaning of art and about its instrumental, and even monetary value, at the same time? The question will be answered by a group of key figures in the artworld: the visual artist Anna Tuori; the former Director of Tate Modern and the current Director of Berlin’s Volksbühne Chris Dercon; and from the USA, curator, the founder of the Prospect New Orleans biennial, Dan Cameron; and the expert on African-American photography and Professor at New York University Deborah Willis. The discussion will be moderated by the artist and researcher Jan Kaila.

Anna TuoriChris DerconDan CameronDeborah WillisJan KailaArtVisual ArtsAfrican-American photographyPaintingCuratingContemporary ArtVolksbühneProspect New OrleansIhmeIhme FestivaaliIhme FestivalIhme Festival 2017Ihme Festivaali 2017